I am working on multiplayer, I got the server to client working now I am working on the client to server. The problem is I run the blueprint listed below that checks authority from the player then if it has authority it calls one event, if not it calls the other, I set it up so when I run it, it prints 1 2 3 and if it completes the event it prints worked. But it is printing 1, 2, and 3 but not worked, it doesn’t just not run the print, but it doesn’t run the rest of the code. If anyone has encountered this problem and has a solution please help, Thank you.
Ah I see, When I switch them only the server owning client works, I am trying to make a item that when it is clicked it will teleport to the player, it does on the client, but is not replicated correctly to the server so the server doesn’t see it. But when the server clicks the item it works fine on both ends. How would I get the server to see the clients replication?
I do use listen server, and what setting do you mean?
do you use “Play as Listen Server”?
I use this setting and have this result.
I hope this solves your problem.