Replicate camera rotation and location

Hello, i want to make that camera have rotation and location like on host server. I know that host-server know location and rotation client’s camera but how can i make that another client know this?

I make things like this

One way you can do it is using a replicated variable, first make a transform variable and set the replication to RepNotify, and the condition to SimulatedOnly this way it will only replicate to other clients skipping your own player.

Once you make the variable a RepNotify you will have a new function added, it starts with OnRep_…(variable name), this function will be called when the variable is updated/replicated.

Depending on if the camera is attached to a spring arm you can replicated the transform of that instead. You can also use relative transform depending on your game.

Make sure the server call is not reliable and if the transform doesn’t have to be up to date frequently you can send the transform in a timer with limited intervals.

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You save my day, thx so much :sparkling_heart:

don’t pay attention on character’s head

have a nice day :partying_face:

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