Hey all,
Not sure if any of you have tried using the demorec/demoplay features for network replays with a VR headset. I have a simple setup where the headset position/orientation of pawns is updated every frame across all clients. If I test it, it runs fine and all the replicated headsets move smoothly. It is my understanding of UE4’s replay system that it just plays back network traffic. So if things looked fine in a networked game, it should look find in a replay.
However, when I go to demoplay a session that I recorded, the pawns move in a very choppy way. It’s as though they are running at 8fps. The strange thing is that I can move around the scene no problem with high fps, it’s just the replicated actors in the replay are stuttering all over the place. I don’t get that issue for non-vr pawns.
Anyone encounter something similar, or know of something obvious I may be missing?