RenderTarget suddenly empty

I have set up a level to capture some 3D models into RenderTargets and then save those RenderTargets to Texture. This worked as expected a few days ago, but returning to add a new model to the level and creating a new RenderTarget now yields an empty RenderTarget. Even worse, opening my old RenderTargets shows they are empty now as well. The preview thumbnail for these RenderTargets is rendered correctly, but when opened or “Create Static Texture” is selected for the RenderTargets, they are empty. I’m unsure what to do from here…

Hey GrimlessBBS,

Are your render targets set to ‘Update Every Frame’?

If not, you will need to either manually update them or enable that checkbox. Can you provide me with some steps so I can reproduce this on my end in a new blank project?

I will say that sometimes all it takes for a SceneCapture2D actor to update is to simply move it a few units with it placed in the world, and that should do the trick.

Let me know if you have further questions.
