Rendering sprites within a Isometric Paper 2D Tilemap

Long story short, I’m trying to render a sprite on top of a Isometric tile map with Paper2D. The issue is that higher layers that are behind the sprite will render on top of the sprite and will hide it and if I set the sprite to be higher it will render on top of the higher layers when the sprite is behind them.


I have tried using the translucent sprite material and setting up the sort by axis option on the project settings but with no avail, must be doing something wrong or it doesn’t work on tile maps vs sprites.

Please any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been struggling with this for a while and I’m starting to think that it may not be doable.

Thank you.

You can control this inside of the Paper2D Tilemap. You need to assign different layers various depth. If you setup this properly you can have the character appear behind and in front of the sprite.

Thanks for the reply!. I already did that using the “Elevation per layer” which is exactly why is giving me this issues, because the higher layers are closer to the camera than the lower layers.