Rendering images with different scene setups? More Info inside!

Hello people!

I would love to read opinions and suggestions about this idea I would like to do in UE5.

I’m currently working in a Furniture design company and they have their projects built in 3ds Max. They have products like sofas, chairs, dinner tables, etc. and through a script, they render over a 1000 images with random scene setups. Basically different positions and materials in the same scene. I hope this makes sense.

Is it possible to do something similar in UE5?
If I wanted to render the same object with different materials, positions, where can I start looking to start making something like this?

Is it possible to have different materials connected to one instance? Im thinking if in the sequencer I can render an object and keyframe the instance so it changes material every frame.

I have a lot of questions and ideas of how to approach but I would love to hear from you. what do you think?

If my explanations are too poor, please let me know. Ill do my best to explain better.
