Rendering FPS Arms and Weapon in Render Layer?

I noticed there was a topic started back in 2014 about this, a feature request was made (which I cannot find), and now it seems like the only people still looking for this feature have somehow mistaken it for having the arms and the body render differently for multiplayer games. Let me explain a little bit about what I mean.

The issue as the people I’ve seen talking about it currently is as follows: They have a multiplayer FPS, they want the local player to have arms only, and they want remote players to have bodies only. That is not my issue.

The issue I am having is that when you walk up to a wall, the mesh of the arms and weapon go through it while colliding. I know the solution most people give is to have the arms rotate up when colliding with a wall, and that works for guns, but not really for sword/shield sets. With a sword/shield set you always want them to be at level, even when colliding with a wall. In Unity, this can be done extremely easily by setting specific GameObjects to render on certain Layers, and decide which cameras are capable of rendering which layers.

Is this still not possible yet?

This can be done in a material where it ignores depth pass and draws on top/in front of other geometry.

There is also the stencil buffer for depth specific sorting of objects.

You know, I have some outline materials made using the stencil pass, I am not sure how I didn’t consider it being used this way… Thank you, I will look into that.