Rendering different frame rates for different objects in same level sequence.

I have a sequence with multiple animated objects in it at 30fps. But I want try making one of the objects run at 15fps to give it a stop motion animation effect and I can’t find a way to do it other than manually removing every other frame. This would take ages and isn’t really practical if I want to try it at 24fps/12fps afterwards.

I’m using Movie Render Queue and I know there’s the “Output Frame Step” feature but this would make the whole sequence render out at 15fps instead of just the object. And there’s the Stencil Clip Layers / Compositing method but from what I’ve read the quality isn’t too good, it takes soo much time to render and requires some compositing skills which I lack.

Is there a proper way to do this efficiently that I have missed ?
Maybe setting a frame rate per object in the sequencer or a quick way to delete every other keyframe ? Or setting layers from the Output Frame Step feature ?

Help would be much appreciated.

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