Rendering a widget in VR world-space

I’m trying to have display a widget in one location (like a poster on a wall). It displays in VR but if I’m not close to the widget the text/images jitter and it looks like there are lines going through the text. I have tried using stereo layers to no success

Do you have an image or a video of the issue?

I took a screenshot and a video but it may be hard to see clearly, it’s definitely far more noticeable in VR

This happens because the widget renders into a texture without mipmaps, which means you get aliasing issues when the texture is scaled down in screen space. One solution is to make a custom class that enables the mipmap generation:


I tested this by importing that plugin but while it fixed the aliasing issue, it made the widgets blurry when viewed at similar distances. I’ve decided to move away from this idea of using widgets in world-space

An option to make it less blurry is to do supersampling in the material:

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