i am having issues rendering out my scene in UE 4.27.2.
I am using the movie render queue with an output resolution of 15360x2160.
When starting the render, after finishing the warm up frames, the engine crashes with the following error codes
Assertion failed: SizeX <= GetMax2DTextureDimension() [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/D3D12Texture.cpp] [Line: 738]
Other projects at the same resolution render just fine with the same export settings.
The same project exports fine at 7680x1080 (half resolution).
Interesting is, that the error points towardss a file named D3D12, which i associate with DirectX12.
My other projects run at DX11, since they are not using raytracing.
Is there some sort of limitation in output size?
Using the “High Resolution”-Setting with a tiling of 2 didn’t resolve the issue, it still crashes to the same error.
Exited to hear your thoughts on this one.
Best regards!