Render Passes / AOVs for Sequencer with RTX Cards


as the whole VFX industry and its artists (including me) is looking into realtime rendering or use-cases like freelancers looking to source out rendering to realtime-engines to speed up workflows,
i have a few questions about additional passes/AOVs to make Unreal useful for so many more use-cases:

  1. Is there a way to include a (denoised) reflection, refraction and GI (indirect light) pass in the sequencer outputs when a RTX 2080 is in use? (Combining the raytracing with denoiser or even let the raytracing work in higher resolution even if its gonna make the rendering process slower.
  2. An option to write the passes/AOS into one single .exr file
  3. Inclusion of ID (red, blue, green) masks for objects and/or shaders for better selection in compositing.
  4. A positionWorld pass

All of these need to be present to allow professional compositing. I know of a few examples/companies that are re-writing the ue-renderer in order to extract more passes for this exact use.

Is that something that EPIC is interested in putting some ressources in? Considering the massive possible new userbase i am wondering why this isn’t yet a bigger thing.

Cheers, Markus

I enthusiastically second this request! Especially the need to have total artistic control of the denoising process.

Unreal with DXR/RTX features could easily replace my rendering pipeline for non-photoreal projects. I assume it will be a while before it can compete with Arnold/Vray/etc. for pure rendering quality but that’s not something I need for the majority of my video projects.

I can’t speak for Epic but I’m sure they’re interested in offering all of these features. Just a question of resources and time I assume. They seem very committed to offering solutions for the film and cg industries.

I’m eagerly awaiting any kind of specific roadmap or documentation for their DXR/RTX implentation. As soon as there is a working implementation, it will be time to order an RTX card.

You’re probably going to have to wait to talk about those types of features until things are implemented in the engine, currently you can’t do anything new with an RTX and UE4

That’s exactly what I am looking for. UE4 can export a certain number of passes but those are not enough to re-build your comp flow.
Another way is to make multiple PostProcess Materials and then export the images thru sequencer, which is a very repetitive and long process.
As all those passes are already used by Engine, it should not be a big trouble for EPIC Rendering Engineers and Technical writers to add the functionality to Sequencer

Having something like cryptomatte in Unreal engine will be big step forward in cinematic creation pipeline

Any news on this, or if it’s even being considered? Would it be hard to do this when using the deferred render pipeline?