render pass in movie render queue UE 5.1

I can not find material for render passes, such as world normal, shadow, etc, pls help!

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Hopefully, this category change will help in finding an answer. In the meantime, good luck and happy developing! :slight_smile:

I don’t know if you have found the solution otherwise :

When selecting your material (like your screenshot), on the left side by clicking on the gear you will have choices to check. You have to check: “Show Engine Content” and “Show Plugin Content”.
Normally by entering “MovieRenderQueue…” in the search bar you should see the Unreal Engine render pass.

I don’t know how to do this either. I also need this for other render passes as well (like roughness map, opacity map, etc). I don’t even know where to begin. More so after hearing Movie Scene Capture (legacy) will be phased out eventually.