Render Object to Render Texture Only

Is there a way to render an object to just the render texture? I don’t want it to appear to the player, just in the render texture.


The only way I know how to achieve this is to mess around in the engine code to make one simple change. If I remember correctly, the change allows for Scene Capture Components to respect actor ownership the way normal Camera Components do.

With the engine code modified, you could make your target actor be owned by your Scene Capture Component, and set your target actor to be visible only to owner. In this way, your target actor would not be rendered by your player’s camera (it would be invisible to the player because the player doesn’t own the object) but it would be rendered by your Scene Capture Component (its new owner) and rendered to the desired render texture.

It worked great for me when I tested it out a couple months ago. But, again, it requires a full source code download, a minor parameter edit, and a full engine recompile, which can be really burdensome.

Hopefully there’s an easier way out there that someone else is willing to share. But if you do want to know what exactly I changed in the engine source code, I’d be happy to give you the specifics.

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There is a way to render with chroma key. To do this, the object is placed on the background of the material with a specific emission color, then this color is separated into the rendertexture. Watch a video: