Hello, guys.
I’m trying to render a movie of Sequence but I want it to loop several times. The Sequence itself controls some Camera Cuts. In the Level Blueprint I’m changing things every “loop time” (swapping objects, materials and lights) so in the end I should get a long movie with that same camera loop repeating itself many times but with some things changing every time.
I’m very interesting in using the Rendering Movie Tool because I want to render the movie in a quality that my computer can’t handle in real time (so ShadowPlay and similar are not an option). But I can’t find a way to set the tool to capture more than one single loop of my Sequence.
I have everything set up in the Level Blueprint so when my level starts the Sequence also starts to loop and all the automated stuff happens accordingly. But when I hit “Capture Movie” in Render Movie Tool, it seems to overwrite my Level Sequence Player controls and it triggers the Sequence by itself, running it one single time and shutting down the game (and the recording).
Any ideas on how I could deal with that situation?