Render is crashing and giving a video memory error

Hi. I’m getting crashes when I try to render out of Movie render Queue. I get the infamous Out of video memory trying to allocate a rendering resource… error. I googled and found several people reporting the error and possible solutions, here and on YT. I tried them but none solved the problem. I click render local, the render window becomes white and then after a bit I get the error and I need to click ok and it closes. Sometimes it just crashes straight, without any warning. I have a RTX2070 Super, so I would have thought it would be at least ok, specially rendering. Here are my full system specs:

Windows 10
i5-8400 2.80Ghz
Z370 Pro motherboard
RTX2070 Super
System SSD
Second SSD for media. Unreal project folder in this drive.

I changed a few settings, including on msconfig and also changed the allocation Maximum VRAM for Texture Streaming in the WindowEngine text file etc. Also updated my Nvidia driver. Nothing makes it work.

Any ideas what could be causing this or where else to look?

Thanks in advance for the help.