Intel i9-12000k
Nvidia 3090
64 GB DDR 5 Ram
TM version 2023.1 preview 1 & 2
I just spent the last 4 hours trying to solve soemthing I dont understand. Everything had been rendering fine....updated to preview 2...everything seemed fine. However today I noticed some lines in my textures, while rendering with Path Tracer. I thought...well that looks like shadow bias...but im using path tracer...the heck? I mean it looks bad...30 days ago I wasnt having this problem.
Worse, is some models areas are fine. For example items in my user library arent rendering with any issue...even primitive objects render fine, but anything new i bring in from 3ds Max, converted as datasmith file ...does this
the box onthe left is a primitive. the box on the right...I made. Both are using the rubber texture from TM.
Im not sure what is going on...but I cant fix it. I even pulled out my laptop and I see the same thing appearing on it. What throws clearly have outputs that didnt have this...but when I go back to previous shows up now. I feel like Im losing my mind...and of course I have crazy client deadlines.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Hello ,
Thank you for posting in the community and reporting this issue. We have seen some files where elements were far from origin or scaled strangely causing this issue. This may not be the case for all projects.
There is a way to minimize or resolve the issue by adjust the Camera > Near clipping slider, or enable Depth of Field and adjust the settings.
Kind regards,
Vincent B.
Hello Vincent,
I had wondered about this very issue. The AutoCAD file I added was off origin, far away. I thought I had fixed it and cleaned it up, but maybe there is a hidden block somwhere. I am going to try and clean it up in 3ds Max, reset object origins, then collapse with Xform, and see if that fixes things.
I will also submit this bug, just to get their take.
Thanks for getting back to me! Love what TM is doing!
Thanks Vincent! I’ve been having this issue for months but increasing the near clipping plane slightly seems to solve it.
I had also that problem and it looked bad. Increasing the near clipping value fixed it totally.
Thank you Vincent.
Hello Vincent,
I am running into the same issue again, and this time the Camera Clipping adjustment is not getting rid of the circles.
Interesting thing here is I am using a model I used back in Novmber with TM2022 and this was not an Issue at all.
Its not in every shot, and I think I can make due for now. If you have a moment, I would be happy to share my TM file and 3ds Max, so your team could pick it apart a bit.
Hello ,
Thank you for the follow-up and please report a bug if the issue is still happening so we can make sure to fully investigate this.
Kind regards,
Vincent B.
Hello Vincent,
I never did get around to submitting the model. I was slammed and drowning with work. However I did want to say, just like everyone below, yes, the camera clipping solved the issue.
Apologies for the delay.
Hello ,
Thank you for the follow-up and glad to hear the clipping solution helped resolve the problem for you.
Have a great rest of your day and week.
Best regards.
Vincent B.
Hello ,
Thank you for the message and sorry to hear the Camera Clipping is not working for you. Did you try to enable/disable DOF?
To help investigate further please report a bug and send the file there so we can properly follow-up:
Kind regards,
Vincent B.