Rename Symbols Tool Not Working in VS Code - No Results (Verse)


in VS code I can’t rename a variable using the “renaming symbol” tool . The error is “No result”.

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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Prerequisites: Installed UEFN, VS code, verse plugin.

  1. Open any verse file with the code.
  2. Select any individual word
  3. Press F2 or RMB and select Rename symbol from the menu that opens
  4. Enter a new correct value and press enter

Expected Result

All places in the code where the selected value is used should be renamed.

Observed Result

The error is “No result”.


Windows 11 Pro 10.0.226311
UEFN 34.00
VS Code 1.97.2
Verse 0.0.40085084

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Additional Notes

The bug appeared in previous versions of UEFN. I tried reinstalling the verse plugin and disabling third-party plugins in the VS code. I did not find an answer on the network.

hi @MrFr3Man ,
We all thank you for pointing out this.
BUT the VS Code documentation only has support for

Visual Studio Code ships with rename support for JavaScript and TypeScript. Other languages may require installing a language extension.

Therefore, the Verse language extension does NOT support rename.

Looking at the open source for C++ on GitHub, they have done some clever coding to support C++ and C # (Sharp). Microsoft Visual Studio Engineers probably created this and their skill is beyond all of us indies

My knowledge is based on the UE5 engine, extension embedded in the source such as C++ adding baked lighting and Nvidia GPU to UE 5.4 and previous versions support.

Change All Occurrences is text operation that renames every occurrence of the selected text in a file; it’s the same as pressing cmd+D a bunch to create multi-cursors for the selected text

However, keep in mind that the variable, definition, function, etc., that you’re changing, will be changed in the file itself, not only the scope. Visual Studio Code for now doesn’t have an implementation for renaming a variable in a scope (for example, a variable inside a function). So keep that in mind.

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Thanks for the explanation. It’s a pity that this is not a bug, but simply a lack of functionality. I hope they add “smart renaming” someday!