I was wondering how to remove the players starting engrams (Pick and Torch) so the player must enter the engram list to choose the new ones created as part of the mod.
I have attempted to adjust the pawn files (all 3 and reparenting them).
You have to create an alternate Inventory for the pawn and have your alternative pawns use that. The default inventory items array contains the engrams, and a little further down there is an array whose name I forget that should just be two values with a 1 in them. That array controls whether or not the item in the default inventory is an engram or an actual item (1 for engram, 0 for item).
I did what you suggested:
Made a new folder and copied the pawn_player and the male and female pawns.
I then re-mapped the new pawn_player to the test map and the genders to the primal.
Changed the inventory in components section for pawn_player to have three different items and adjusted the engrams list array so they are only engrams.
Saved and Cooked and Uploaded
Single player game and no joy. Same default torch and pick.
Going to try a cook as total conversion but doubt it will change anything. :\
Did you make your own version of the PrimalGameData , TestGameMode , and LEVEL ? I think these 3 are all required. I made a copy of each of these three from the generic mod folder and edited to make them unique. Make sure you go back through the 3 and link everything appropriately. Including opening the Level which will appear blank and setting the overrides there, then you can switch back to the test map for real testing. Also I would maybe try doing the same but with a Child of the pawn instead of a copy since any changes the devs make to the pawn class wont be inherited by your current version and may break something even if this were to work now.
I deleted the other request. I posted it as nothing seems to be helping. I have tried for days to get this to work and it does in the editor but will not work in single player at all.
You mention opening the LEVEL are you talking about the Orange GenericMod file? If so, what do you mean by setting overrides there. The only thing I get is a black editor view. No options to change anything… I am confused.
I tried to do exactly what you suggested. Everything does work in the editor just fine. So I assume I am linking things just fine.
I will cook just the simple one and see if it works and if so, duplicate that process into my other mod. Here is hoping.
You will need to point to your mods primalgamedata in the levels “world settings”. The setting is called “Primal Game Data Override”. If you dont do that your mod will simply not load when cooked(i would think it would not even cook anything but the empty map file). If you dont see the “world settings” tab after loading the level you will need to go to “Windows” in the editors main menu bar and enable “World Settings”.
The World Settings is where I have made the settings. If you check above, suggested nicely I do mention that I have tested it in the editor and it works with only the primal game linked.
I can download the mod via steam and it updates just fine. I get all the other changes I have made. Just not the change to the starting inventory. :\
Going to just do the starting inventory as a separate mod and see if there is another reason as to why it is not working.
You said you set the Test Game Mode Override(that is actually not needed as far as i know, if you set the game mode in the primalgamedata as default game mode).Nothing about Primal Game Data Override. Also you seemed to be confused about the world settings in the level file. Are you sure you set this stuff in your mods level file(the black screen) and not in the editors test map?
Basically you need to set these in the LEVEL file in your mod folder for when it is cooked and uploaded, and in the Testmap file for when you want to use that map for testing in the editor
Step Two: Set the Player Character Gender Definitions in my PrimalGameData_BP_NewMod and the Default Game Mode right under it to GameMode. Off screen but it is set. I promise.
Step Four: Open PlayerPawnTest_NewMod Components tab and remove the Default Inventory and Default Engrams. This is to see if in fact these steps will work.
You didnt list it here, but you linked the default game mode as your new game mode in the primalGameData file right? Other than that, I think you may be running across an issue with the client not recognizing your pawn as the true default pawn class as you are not running as a total conversion, but rather you are adding a mod on top of the existing gameplay, which has its own standard pawn set up for use. Im not certain this is the issue but it may be something to consider?