You need to replace your characters to actually change their inventories and default engrams. (there may be a new safer way, this way is messy and will require your mod is loaded first, or it will just load default data, players will often need to die or fast travel to reset to this character as well, very messy)
What I mean by this, you need to create your own new pawns, and you need to link them into your primal game data, the Male/Female one.
Open your PrimalGameData_BP_mod file and search for Player Character Gender Definitions. You will see 2 entries and if you open them element 0 is Male and has a character blueprint element 1 is Female and has a character blueprint.
These 2 blueprints are the character files that you will need to replace with your own ones so that you can alter their default engrams, you can’t make them children of the original or you can’t alter their inventory blueprints. You can duplicate them, now they should have a parent, I don’t know if they changed it since october, but it will generally override your changes to things like inventory and such.
*Edit that is what you are doing, now your parent class of the Female/Male pawn should be the one that is replacing your data with default stats.
To find it you can just goto your pawns and click on the magnifier beside the parent class, then you need to swap out the game mode to your new parent, and change the parent of your male/female classes to this new parent, be careful though when I did this last time it reset every single animation class and I had to manually change them all.
PlayerPawnTest is the default parent of the male/female classes. And it’s defaulted as a Male, so when you change your female to get this as a parent it should change every single animation to either male or default
Yeah, I think that is what I am already doing. I saw someplace that a person had created a Mod that gave you a starting set of clothes and tools as well as replaced them if you died. This was kind of neat so I thought… Why not start with different engrams all together? Like a knife for example instead of a pick.
So far, nothing I have attempted has worked. I get the parenting of the pawn with the gender files. Ionic suggested it might have to be a Total Conversion build. I have tried that in the past but will futz with it again tonight.
I am almost ready offer $ to whomever figures this one out lol. It has been days of work for me at this point.
After looking at the files there are only two issues:
In the TestGameMode_NewMod the Default Pawn Class is still set to “PlayerPawnTest” not “PlayerPawnTest_NewMod”. Probably an oversight or it did not save as you showed it being set in an earlier screenshot.
PlayerPawnTest_Male_NewMod and PlayerPawnTest_Female_NewMod are still parented to “PlayerPawnTest”, you need to reparent them both to “PlayerPawnTest_NewMod”. You can do that by opening them up and select “File” -> “Reparent Blueprint” in the editors menu bar.
Other than that you should be alright. I would send you back the edited files but it broke some links in your other mod files due to copying. That happens pretty randomly unfortunately so i don’t even know which of your other files are affected.
Edit: One thing to note about mods that override the pawn afaik: they are not 100% stackable. They will need to be first in the mod list and because of that aren’t compatible with other mods that have this requirement.
After several attempts, the only way I have been able to accomplish what I need is to modify the source pawn and cook as a total conversion. This not only allows me to change the starting items but allows me to re-arrange the engram list so that the things I am working on are in the order that I choose.
If anyone is able to figure out how to alter your starting items without touching the core pawn file and cooking as a TC, I would love to know how.
Until then, TC it is.
Thanks everyone for the assistance.