RemoveFrom works inconsistently for gameplay_camera_device on lower end devices

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



We are experiencing an inconsistent issue where RemoveFrom doesn’t remove the Camera from a players camera stack. These seems to happen more frequently on players with lower end devices.

Steps to Reproduce

Add a player to a gameplay_camera_device and then remove them a few seconds later using RemoveFrom (we are using the popup dialogue event for this).

Expected Result

Player’s camera should be set back to the main camera.

Observed Result

Occasionally the camera does not reset to the player. It seems to happen 1 / 20 times or so and is ver inconsistent, but soft locks the game for players.


PC / Switch

The status of FORT-765126 incident has been moved from ‘Needs More Info’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Cannot Reproduce’

Checking to see what information we need here.

@natereese - Will you have time to do some troubleshooting with me on this one? We can either chat here, Discord or Twitter/X. Let me know!

Hey! I could have some time next week - it’s a really strange one and super inconsistent, but seems to affect lower end devices. Happy to share the code we’re using to activate / remove players.

Thank you, @natereese! Could you do an in-game report after you’ve reproduced the issue, and let me know the date and time the report was sent?