Remove the reflection from an object


I have a real-time scene where floors and walls are bright and are capturing the reflection of an object that should not be reflected. How can I avoid the reflection of a single object?


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Thanks for answering

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I use a sphere reflection capture with a cubemap of the scene without the green screen, but when I show the green screen it is reflected equally.

SSR? Is Screen Space Reflections? I never activated that option and I still have the problem.


Yes! That worked!

Not seeing tick I thought I was disabled.

Thank you so much!

Hi, are you using reflection sphere capture? because if you use screen space reflections, you won’t be able to eliminate the object from the reflections. Though considering the different angle of the green screen in the reflection, i suppose you just use spher captures.
In that case, I would try capturing the scene while the object is invisible, and don’t update the reflection in real time. I don’t know if that works but that’s an idea.

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oh and by the way, I tested it out and it works, though you have to completly disable SSR in the post process volume, that’s the cost of this fix…

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it is activated by default in the post process volume, just search for “screen space reflections” in it and drop the intensity to 0

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Glad i helped you, keep in mind though you’re privating yourself of a cool effect with this fix, though it’s not as important as ambiant occlusion, keep that in mind when continuing your project, and if some shiny/metalic objects don’t quite look right, consider looking back to SSR.
Have a good luck in finishing your project!

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Hi there. Thanks a lot for your solution. It’s super useful. I need something similar for Path Tracing as this kind of trick seems not to work in that case. Could you help me to understand why ? How could I hide reflection in that case? Thanks