Remove seam in between decals?

So I’m experimenting with a decal-based dirt path idea for my project, but am running into a tiny issue that may be a deal breaker if there isn’t a simple fix.

So this is 2 decals sized perfectly so that they should be able to blend into one another seamlessly, but as you can just barely see in the center of this picture, there’s a thin transparent seam between the 2 decals. This is only present in the rounded decal, which points towards a UV issue where it’s using the transparency from the other side of the material juuuust enough to wrap around and create a seam. How can I remove or avoid this? Are decals a terrible idea for this? If so, what’s the best alternative while still using the same materials?

I figured it out after searching through the texture settings for a while. You need to change the X and Y tiling method in the texture settings to clamp instead of wrap, and then restart UE4. The settings didn’t seem to take until restarting the editor, so it took me a while to realize that it was a working solution.

Here’s the settings.


And here’s the material with the applied clamped tiling