This error occurs when you try to package a game.
In my case it is due to an older version from 4.27 to 4.27.2 (I think Unreal Engine has not updated this part), but it has a simple solution.
This error occurs when you try to package a game.
In my case it is due to an older version from 4.27 to 4.27.2 (I think Unreal Engine has not updated this part), but it has a simple solution.
Go to your game content → Source → GameFolder → ProjectVersionBP.h
Open with visual studio code and change:
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (FriendlyName = "Project Version", CompactNodeTitle = "ProjectVersion"), Category = "System information")
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "Project Version", CompactNodeTitle = "ProjectVersion"), Category = "System information")
FriendlyName to DisplayName.