Reliability of montage notifies and whether it's ok to use them to execute gameplay logic

Hey, I’ve recently came across two threads ( 1, 2 ) that made me question whether I’m doing things in a correct way, or bug-prone way that will cause issues in the future.

Quick summary of my setup:

  • I am using Unreal Engine 5.3.2
  • I have an Animation montage which fires two notifies:
    • ANS_HitTrace which is a custom blueprint class inheriting Anim Notify State.
    • Continue which is a Montage notify (Right click → Add notify → Montage Notify → typed “Continue” in the details panel under the “Notify Name” field, left everything else at default values).

ANS_HitTrace overrides Received_NotifyTick method and does standard sphere traces to detect whether an enemy has been hit or not.

Continue is used by dragging the On Notify Begin pin from the Play Montage node, and checking whether the notify name is equal to “Continue” or not. If so (or if the montage has been interrupted before playing that notify), the actor that triggered the montage is free to interrupt it, perform another action and move around.

Now, the threads linked at the beginning of this question suggest that notifies are not guaranteed to trigger. I was unable to find anything in the current Unreal Engine documentation on that matter. Should I worry about that and use other means instead of these notifies to execute my code?

If so, what are the alternatives?