[RELEASED] Low Poly Nature: Lush and Diverse Environments

Marketplace link: Low Poly Nature: Lush and Diverse Environments in Environments - UE Marketplace

Demonstration video:


  • Bushes: 40, including 15 shrubs
  • Cliffs: 5
  • Grass: 80 models, including more and less detailed version, with variations (lush, dried, mixed)
  • Ground: 69 models, including Background Mountains (5), Flat 4m tiles (20), Floating Islands (6), Low Hills (6), Mounds (16) and Small piles (16)
  • Mushrooms: 83 models, including Death Caps (1), Fly Agaric (22), Girolles (9), Parasol Mushrooms (13), Procini (12), Shaggy Ink Cap (15) and generic mushrooms (2)
  • Plants: 196 models, including Bluebells (9), Daisies (15), Dandelions (13), Ferns (13), Foxgloves (9), Ivy (52: 20 complex, 20 simplified variants and 10 clusters, and 2 leaves), Nettles (36), Reeds (9), Water Lilies (22) and Wild Garlic (12), generic saplings (6)
  • Rocks: 35 models, including 9 rock piles
  • Simple water planes: 15 models of tillable meshes
  • Trees: 110 models, including Birches (18), Oaks (17), Pines (51), Weeping Willow (14), generic trees (10)
  • Tree branches: 13 models
  • Tree logs: 42 models, including log piles (12)
  • Tree trunks/stumps: 19 models
  • Tree roots: 6 models
  • Withered Trees: 15 models
  • Modular fence: 50 models
  • Campfires: 10 models (2 types of campfires in 3 stages, firewood and stone)
  • Ruined walls: 13 models, including 6 walls, 2 rubbles and 5 stone slabs
  • Planks: 7 models
  • Textures: 4 variants of palette texture (baseline, vibrant, toned down, flat)


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Thank you!

I’ve been experimenting (while also learning Davinci Resolve) with “trailer” type short videos showcasing some of the asset pack content, e.g.:

(more on my YT channel, and I think I’ll make a few more in the future)

On Sale! 70% off :slight_smile: Enjoy!

In showcase section! :partying_face: And at 50% discount!

Great work!

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A small version of this pack just got approved :slight_smile:

Demonstration video:

Works flawlessly with 5.4 :slight_smile:

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Free for this month now :slight_smile: