Rejected without custom assets.

Can anyone tell me why my map is rejected?

ー Detail ー

・Fortnite assets only
・Installed over 2000 devices( no pop dialog, Cinematic Sequence, HUD Messages, Audio and verse )
・Connect devices with event bindings
・Memory : about 56000

My expectation is that event binding has an upper limit and does not allow for a complex game to be created.

@yappy0110 Hello! This is something that our Player Support team can investigate for you to give more information: Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games

The number of bindings connected was the cause of the rejection.
I’m probably the only one affected because everyone uses berths now, but if there is a limit, I wish it had been noted.

However, I did find a loophole that solved this problem.
Thank you for your cooperation.