Reimport path bug still present

This path bug, posted in March, is still present as of 4.4 (I won’t be able to test it in 4.5), although with a different error message in my case. Reimporting fails while the project is in C:/UE4/, because it keeps trying to reimport from C:/…/UE4/ (additional “…/” in the middle), even if I move the file somewhere else to force the open file dialog to be shown. This happens when projects are not in the default documents folder; when I move the project to the Unreal Projects folder, it reimports successfully.

Output log:

LogEditorFactories: Performing atomic reimport of [C:/../UE4/Prop_OutcropBonus.fbx]
LogFbx:Error: Call to FbxImporter::Initialize() failed.
LogFbx:Warning: Error returned: Unexpected file type
LogEditorFactories:Warning: -- import failed

Hey OhiraKyou,

I’ve been investigating this issue, and I’m having trouble reproducing it in 4.4.3. Here are the steps I’m taking, please tell me if I’ve messed something up.

  1. Create a new project at C:\work\proj .
  2. Add the directory C:\work\proj\art\model .
  3. Drop an .fbx file into that directory.
  4. Import the fbx into the editor. (Content Browser->Import->filename, default settings on Import)
  5. Save the editor.
  6. Modify the original fbx (I don’t have modeling software locally, so I replaced it with a version of the file modified by a coworker).
  7. Right click on the model in the Content Browser, then select ‘Reimport’.

At this point, I saw that the changes to the model were reflected in the editor and that the message in the log was ‘imported successfully’.

That said, the log also has a message that refers to the filepath ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/work/uproj443’, which seems related to the bug you’ve already reported. Still, the editor seems to reimport the new mesh correctly, in both 4.4.3 and 4.5.1.

Hey Ohirakyou,

I’m cleaning up old issues and this one never had a response. We haven’t heard from you in a while, so I’m marking it as Resolved. If you’re still experiencing this bug, please respond and we’ll continue work on this issue.



This issue is still happening in 4.7. My projects are in C:/UE4/ and I’m trying to reimport from C:\Users\Heaven\Desktop\Junk\Games\Game Design\_Games\MagThrust\MagThrust Models

This time, my mesh initially didn’t have UVs set up. So, I added them and reimported. The UVs didn’t import, and the output log shows the same error as I pasted in the opening post here.

However, because the path length bug was supposedly fixed a few versions back, I’ve moved the project back to the Unreal Projects directory, where this doesn’t happen.

Hi there, cybereality. Much hand waving. If you just want things to work, move your project back to the default projects directory (Documents\Unreal Projects). I’d certainly like to use a custom directory, but this bug has been consistently plaguing projects not in the default projects directory since the dawn of time.

This is also happening to me on 4.7.1. My project is at:

G:\Unreal\DirtyTile2 4.7

My FBX model file (from Maya LT) is at:


When importing the first time everything is fine. When right-clicking in the content browser and choosing “reimport” the editor tells me the import was successful but it was not at all. The mesh was not updated. In the Output log it says:

LogAssetRegistry: Asset discovery search completed in 5.7005 seconds
LogEditorFactories: Performing atomic reimport of [G:/../../../Eternal/Media/Maya/FBX/MetalFloor.fbx]
LogFbx:Error: Call to FbxImporter::Initialize() failed.
LogFbx:Warning: Error returned: Unexpected file type
LogEditorFactories:Warning: -- import failed

Please help

I guess I could use the default directory. Except that it’s on my C drive, a smaller SSD, and I want to use my 4TB HDD instead. Already the folder is 22GB and that’s just with a few sample projects. It’s not unreasonable for me to want to use a secondary hard-drive.

Anyway, I am looking through the UE4 source code now to see if I can fix it myself. Of course I’m disappointed that such a fundamental bug has not been officially fixed, it’s also the advantage of having source code access. So I may as well give it a shot.

No doubt. It’s pretty basic functionality that’s been busted for pretty much the life of UE4 thus far. One of those sad, low priority cases that seemingly take a long time to debug for little gain. Those sorts of low-priority cases stick around way too long. I’m usually in the 15-20GB range of remaining drive space myself. If you track it down, do toss the solution back to Epic.

So it seems the project itself can be on any hard-drive. However, reimport only works reliably when the assets (fbx models, textures, etc.) are on the main C:\ drive. I’m going to dig in a bit more, but that’s what appears to be happening.

In my case, both the project and assets are on C; the problem persists as long as the project isn’t in Documents\Unreal Projects.

I still can’t reproduce this issue with the following steps. Please let me know what I’m doing that’s different from you.

1: Create a cube in 3DS Max.

2: Export the cube to a location (I went with the Desktop).

3: Import the cube into the editor (I just dragged the cube from the desktop to the content browser). The new project I’m pulling the cube into is also located on the desktop (so it’s not in the default location).

4: Drag the cube from the content browser into the level so you can see if it changes.

5: In 3DS Max, change the cube (specifically, I squished it to half height).

6: Export the cube, overwriting the file on the Desktop.

7: Right click on the cube in the content browser and select ‘Reimport’.

8: See, in my case, that the cube squishes down to half height.

Stick the project in C:\UE4 and the asset in a much deeper directory, such as Desktop\Junk\Games\Game Design_Games\MagThrust\MagThrust Models. Instead of modifying the mesh, paint some vertices or change the UV mapping.

I’m using Blender 2.7.3. That might be important. In my latest example, I created a quad plane in Blender, exported it as an FBX, and imported it into UE4. Then, after realizing I hadn’t set UVs, I went back into Blender and reset UVs. Reimporting failed with the given error until I moved the project to the default Unreal Projects directory.

OS: Windows 7 x64

Unable to reproduce:

  • Created octagonal shape in Maya
  • exported to fbx in directory 4 folders deep from desktop (see image)
  • Opened project copied to C:/ UE4 (see image)
  • imported fbx from test directory
  • changed octagonal significantly by extruding a face and re-texture mapping
  • re-imported fbx successfully from test directory with changes

I have seen a number of reports from people having issues with importing fbx files from Blender into other programs besides UE4. Please verify your export steps by comparing them to those in this video: [Blender to Unreal Engine 4 in a Nutshell - YouTube][2]

Don’t change it significantly. Just add UVs when they didn’t exist before or vertex paint it. And, I suggest using the same desktop directory as I posted, for consistency.

There are no issues with my steps, because I have no problems reimporting then the project is in the default Unreal Projects directory. And, I suggest using Blender instead of Maya.

Create a quad plane in blender, import it to the C:\UE4 project. Then, reset the quad’s UVs (where it would otherwise not have any) and reimport. Mesh should be in Desktop\Junk\Games\Game Design_Games\MagThrust\MagThrust Models.


I’ve retested making all the adjustments you’ve listed except I still used Maya as I am not familiar with Blender but am still unable to reproduce this issue.

I am consistently able to reproduce this. If you’re not using Blender (2.7.3, ideally), it’s not a proper reproduction. I just made a test project. While it was in the Unreal Projects directory, I was able to remove and reset UVs fine. When I moved the project to C:\UE4, it did not reimport the UVs.

Steps for Blender:

  1. Create blank project at C:\UE4\

  2. Create a material with any obvious texture plugged into its BaseColor. Do not tint the image; plug the texture directly into the color.

  3. Open Blender 2.7.3, and, in the Create tab on the left, click Plane.

  4. Click File > Export > FBX. In the export dialog, set the scale to 100. Export it to your desktop.

  5. Back in UE4, click Import in the content browser. Import the plane FBX that’s on your desktop.

  6. Double click on the imported mesh asset to edit its properties. Change its material to the material you created in step 2. Confirm that the mesh, which doesn’t yet have UVs, is still pure white.

  7. In Blender, press tab to enter edit mode. The plane should automatically be selected in the viewport. If it isn’t, press ‘A’ (select all) until it is.

  8. Press ‘U’ (for Unwrap), and click Reset. This will give the plane some simple UVs.

  9. Back in UE4, confirm that the project is, indeed, in C:\UE4. If it is, right click your imported plane asset, and click reimport. You will get a message indicating that the reimport was successful. However, the plane will still be white and textureless, indicating a lack of UVs.

  10. Close the editor and move the project to the default Documents\Unreal Projects directory. Repeat step 9. This time, the UVs will be reimported.

I have this problem as well, but it is new for me (current version is 4.7.2). My art asset files are usually on my external hard drive under “G:\UnrealAssets\AssetFolder” (AssetFolder being a placeholder for the various folders that I use), and I’ve never experienced the error. My current asset (fbx, exported from Max 2015, Academic Version) is in my dropbox folder on D: drive, which is the same drive that holds my projects folder (D:\UnrealProjects) and when I try to reimport, I get the errors mentioned above (although I receive an error message in the editor as well as the log). Simply by moving the fbx file from D:\Apps\Dropbox\Burke to G:\UnrealAssets\Burke fixes the problem. Conceptually, this doesn’t make sense, but I though that I’d include my example in case it helps Epic in debugging the issue.

Hi OhiraKyou,

I went through this step by step with our Blender specialist and we did not get to step 10 because at step 9 the plane reimported correctly and the material was applied. For further testing on your end, I’m including the files we generated from Blender.

There are 4 files: 2 exported with the ascii exporter and 2 exported with the standard fbx exporter. Each pair includes “NoUV’s” and “WithUV’s” Please try these and see if you have different results.

Thankslink text

Reproduced again with your files. My project is located at C:\UE4. I renamed the noUV fbx to PlaneTest.fbx, copied it to my desktop, imported it, and applied the material. Then, I renamed the plane with UVs (7_4fbx_plane.fbx) to PlaneTest.fbx and copied it to my desktop, overwriting the original. I then right-clicked PlaneTest in the content browser and clicked Reimport. The UVs did not change.

I also tried overwriting PlaneTest.fbx with a model of a room. It remained a plane. I have attached the relevant log lines. Note that the number of “…/” in the asset’s path is just enough to backtrack to C:\ from “C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Unreal Projects\ProjectName\Content” but twice as many as is necessary from the actual working directory at “C:\UE4\ProjectName\Content.” The asset’s source directory is also set to “…/…/…/…/…/…/Users/Heaven/Desktop/PlaneTest.fbx,” which is also too many “…/”

To verify that my repro is correct, here is an image of the path to the project I am testing with, dragging the files from the desktop into the editor (The ones I have supplied to you that were generated from Blender with two different type of fbx export plugins.) Can you identify something I’m doing differently from your last stated repro steps? Also, could you try this on another machine if possible?
