Reimport path bug still present

The project folder is located in C:\UE4; In this case, C:\UE4\ReimportTest2 contains the project file, Content folder, etc. I am using the import button on the content browser rather than dragging the file in. After import, when I open the asset to examine its properties, its Source File Path starts with “…/…/…/…/…/…/,” which is too many to reach C:\ from C:\UE4\ReimportTest2. But it would be just enough if it were in the default Unreal Projects directory. This has been confirmed to be the problem in [the post I linked][1] from last year and [related issues][2]. And, you can always ask other staff that [have been able to reproduce this][3].


I do not have another machine on which to test this, but others with the same problem might.

Hi OhiraKyou,

I’m sorry that I missed that this issue has already been reported as JIRA [UE-11538] which has not yet been resolved. When it is resolved, the post you linked to will receive an update and this should correct your issue as well. If it does not, please let us know at that time by updating this post.

Thanks for your feedback and patience in resolving this issue.

-Also, I linked your post in the report and commented other people are experiencing this issue. If the developer determines your issue is different a separate bug report will be issued for this post.

I was having a similar issue with the paths and I am able to work-around the issue by copying the assets (fbx models, textures, etc.) into the Content folder inside my project’s directory. I’m using 4.7.2 and it will automatically import assets when you do this.

The reimport button still appears broken, but when you manually copy (or export) the file to the Content folder it will automatically update inside the engine. Not the ultimate solution, but it’s at least something to work with.

I am having the same issue.

LogFbx:Error: Call to FbxImporter::Initialize() failed.
LogFbx:Warning: Error returned: Unexpected file type
LogEditorFactories:Warning: -- import failed

Any progress on this ?

I’m also having this issue, it could be due to a long directory (Although I didn’t have this issue on windows 7 using the same directory).

Asset located in:

Project located in:

The main difference between my windows 7 and 10 in terms of files structures/access is that windows 7 natively ran in administrator mode where as in windows 10 I can’t seem to (Don’t know how to set it up).

A quick work around is just renaming the file path to C:/ rather than:

Very annoying bug, I haven’t experienced it before and it seems quite rare.

This issue, reported in JIRA [UE-11538], has not yet been resolved. I have updated the report with the latest information you have provided.

This does not seem to be a problem, however, if you are storing your assets with the project in the project’s content folder all on the same drive, as is the recommended workflow. Please provide a reason for not following this workflow so that this information can be added to the bug report.


You say the asset is in your “dropbox” folder on your D drive. Does this issue occur if you move it from your dropbox to a different directory on your D drive? Please try this troubleshooting step.


Hi , I’m still having this issue as of 4.11. This issue exists since the engine came out.

Storing the assets inside the project’s content folder messes up source control. We are versioning 3D assets in a separate directory, and whether that was a good decision or not, we just can’t change it. Not 18 months into the project with a few hundred assets.

Reimport just needs to work.

The ticket JIRA [UE-11538] is still open. I have added your comments regarding your concerns about this issue to the ticket which may increase its priority.

Hi Gwen, is this still an issue for you in 4.11p8? If so, please list what drive UE4 is installed on, what drive your Unreal Projects are installed on, and what drive you store your FBX’s that you are importing, over-writing, then re-importing from?

Also please describe how, exactly, are you reimporting your updated assets (ie. dragging and dropping vs selecting the re-import button, navigating to the directory, then selecting the asset to be updated)