Regarding the thumbnail error in Niagara that occurs during validation at the time of pushing.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



When placing a Niagara asset inheriting a specific Emitter onto a level, the following error occurs during validation at the time of pushing:

Texture2D /Engine/Transient.NewNiagaraSystem1:NewNiagaraEmitter11.ThumbnailTexture contains no miplevels! This could happen if this texture is a thumbnail and hasn’t been generated (Format: 0)
Texture2D /Engine/Transient.NewNiagaraSystem1:NewNiagaraEmitter11.NewNiagaraEmitter11.ThumbnailTexture contains no miplevels! This could happen if this texture is a thumbnail and hasn’t been generated (Format: 0)

The affected Emitters are included within the Template:

  • DynamicBeam
  • SingleLoopingParticle
  • StaticBeam
    Additionally, for Learning Content, inheriting “Grid Location” results in the mentioned error.

Steps to Reproduce

Here are the steps:

1, Create a Niagara System inheriting DynamicBeam.
2, Place the corresponding Niagara System on the level.
3, Push Push Changes or Start Session of button.
4, Encounter the mentioned error.

Expected Result

We expect a situation where no error occurs regarding the texture thumbnail, regardless of which Emitter is inherited.

Observed Result

As of version 29.00, I recall that this error did not occur. There’s a possibility that it might have occurred before version 29.00 due to my faulty memory, but at the very least, it seems that this error started occurring recently.



Island Code


The status of FORT-727240 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Needs More Info’.

any news or workaround this one? very voted issue… thanks in advance

No news just yet, but we are looking into it!


Nice! Thank you for following!

+1, same problem

Been trying to fix this problem all day I hope it gets resolved ASAP because I cant even open up my map because of it

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Best thing to do in the meantime is to remove any particle emitters that are using something like the ‘Static Beam’ or ‘Dynamic Beam’. I’m also waiting for a fix for this since we can’t edit the thumbnail like we normally would be able to in standard UE

Hello fellow people who has this problem, I come to thee with a workaround. Simply right click the evil emitter stopping you from pushing and press “Create asset from this”

With that done, replace the emitter with the new asset that was created.
Finally, go into the new emitter and press the thumbnail button (on the top bar in the editor)

Good luck in your unreal adventures.

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