Refraction and Reflection issues

I can’t get my window panes to reflect properly. When I try to increase the Parameter value for the Refraction (Index of Refraction), it becomes this:

This is the material set up for the window panes:

Another problem I’m having is the light reflections on my windows won’t show up on my rendered video clips. They look like this:

But the shine won’t show up. What can I do to solve both of these problems?

Index of refraction expects a single float / scalar if I am not mistaken.

Can you explain what that is please?

Will this change fix the material?

reflection and refraction are not the same thing. refraction is what you see thru the glass. and this index could be set to 1 if you don’t need this “distortion”. to get more reflectivity out of it you could increase the specular, lower the roughness all the down or increase the metallic value to make it technically like transparent chrome.

I see. I’ll give this a try and get back to you.

It worked. The window panes are reflective now without the weird depth perception.

Thank you very much for your help. The shine is there, but for some reason it still won’t show up in movie clips after rendering. I wonder why.

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There could be different looks based on how you render it. If you use Path Tracing, it has better ray casting which helps with reflection and should make them look better.