Reflections of Refracted Materials Issue

I have these acrylic panels in my room, and normally they look pretty good. Unfortunately, there are a few issues that arise. First, they are different colors, and when seen at angles, they ‘pop’ in front of the others and cause some weird color combinations. I expected some color changes (as see through colored panels would do so), but this is a little extreme and not what I expected (image included).

Secondly, in reflections (in this case, Ray Traced mirror reflections) the acrylic panels’ color/material can only be seen if they have a value in the emissive slot. Anything on the other side of said acrylic panels renders black with the exception of glass which is completely clear (image included).

How would I go about fixing this? I’m including my acrylic material setup (a version of glass with some adjusted parameters in a Material Instance). Is it a ray tracing thing? A screen space reflection thing? An engine limitation when it comes to reflections and refractions?!