Reflections of mirror break in specific angles/seem weirdly subdivided?

Unreal Version 5.3, I am trying to make a mirror using planar reflections, and
for some reason, after I followed along the tutorial for it xD now when moving the camera, in certain angles the mirror seems to woork, but then when directly looking at it, the mesh seems to be distorted, reminds me of subdivision in a 3d modeling program in some ways, but as I have never worked with this before and so far I wasnt able to find anything in relation to this, I was wondering if someone could maybe help me solve this problemmm

So, what you’re looking at is lumen real-time GI and reflections, not planar reflections. Planar reflections are to my knowledge broken in recent UE versions.

Lumen GI and reflections operate on an approximate version of the scene called the surface cache to keep up performance. To get high-quality reflections you’ll need to select ‘enable hit lighting for reflections’ with 2+ bounces in the PPV, and make sure your scene has punctual light sources. Your lighting setup will not resolve good reflections unfortunately, and I’d recommend applying a slight increase in roughness to the material to make it less noticeable.

The ‘break’ that you see is where screen-space reflections lack coverage and they fall back to lumen’s surface cache.

You appear to have lumen set to software mode, you’ll also need to enable hardware ray-tracing to scale up in quality.

I see, thanks a lot for your help^^

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