I’m having a problem from long time ago with the reflections captures. I have try to work around this problem but nothing I have try works. The problem start at 4.18, but I move the project to 4.19 just in case. but same problem.
The thing is that the reflections captures work pretty well at the editor or even when I render a video with the sequencer, but once I play the game all the reflections from the captures disappear.
I have try switching the planar reflection on/off, also the SSR at post process, with the rendering settings: reflection: reduce lightmap mixing on smooth surfaces…
I have replace all the captures, test changing the box reflections for spherical or missing both of them.
changing the reflection capture resolution, and with scalability settings:
(not sure if it right since the latest update is from 4.9) the command line for effect seems to work fine, and the effects changes, like SSR, but no reflections from captures, I have try also with higher numbers, up to 10… but also it does not work.
Since this project has many reflective surfaces like marble, glass or polished metal the problem becomes really evident.
Are you using forward renderer or defered? I’ve had similar issues when switching to forward render (since the prioritization of refcaps works differently there).
Assuming you mean "right now I have tried it with forward, let’s look at something else…:
create a new project (with for example the startercontent and high quality desktop as target system)
remove all the files in the ‘config’ folder of your abovementioned project (put them in a backup folder in a different location) and replace them with the files generated by the new project
restart UE4
If this solves the issue, your problem is in the config files (and you will have to find out which one ;))
I once had a number of features that I could not get to work (SSR and others) and it turned out that they were disabled in DefaultScalability.ini.
Thanks for your help! unlikely after I have try that it does not work. I’m getting the same result…
To be sure is not because my in game scalabitlity settings I have delete that menu before delete the config. and once I open the project without the setting i haven’t reactivate the planar reflections, just delete the one I have.
Picture 1: in the editor, reflections are fine
Picture 2: once is compiled, over the horizon reflection is blue, down is black.
Picture 3: In this case just from the editor but deleting all the reflections captures (just like the picture 2
I was trying with many individual options but finally seem the combination of 3.
Since I was working with lighting scenarios (it wasn’t need, not in the project but I use it in others).
So te solution: “The atmospheric fog” & “Sky sphere” actors should be at persistent level instead of the lighting level.
At same time the I have a command line at the level BP, to recapture reflections when switching lighting scenarios, r.ReflectionCapture. Something i took from this post: