Check that your meshes have a second uv channel set so the lighting information can be baked and written to that. Also check if your editor isn’t giving you warnings after building lights, like overlapping UVs and things like that. If your UVs are overlapping on your second UV, a shadow will affect parts of the model that it shouldn’t. Might even affect the complete model.
Well, things are strange here. I have second UV channel for lighting on all of my meshes.
I have A LOT of meshes on my level, and the editor says that two of them have overlapping UV’s 50%. Even though I checked numerous times and they are fine. The meshes it’s complaining about are simple pipes - they only have one unwrapped surface. I even re-did their UV channels ans still…
And another weird thing - the other project I was doing with slavic theme.
There I had models with lots and lots of geometry and different surfaces, and the editor wouldn’t allow me to build light even if 0.5% of UV’s on some models were overlapping. It showed red errors and said that lighting build failed.
Now though, in this project I’m working on currently… Those pipes with 50% UV overlap give a WARNING not even an error. And I don’t have static light after building. AND reflection spheres do not work at all.
Here’s an example:
It doesn’t care about reflection sphere here. And you can clearly see reflections on the vent from light source… in ANOTHER ROOM.
I also noticed that I don’t have translucent materials shadows on this level :\
I’ve created a new level in the same project and there it works.
Is it some kind of a bug or did I just pressed something wrong? I’ve checked all settings I could think of that influence the level, but I found nothing that could possibly do that… At least I don’t thing so.