Reflection of flying bird on water material is super wonky

First, I am using UE5 early access. I cannot tag it as that so I had to go with 4-27 just to post this question. But I am using UE5.

The answer to my question is probably very obvious and I think I just need somebody to point me in the right direction because I can’t get to the bottom of it.

I have a flyable bird character that flies high in the sky above water. Bird looks great, and the water looks great - the only issue is this bizarre reflection of the bird in the water. It looks like this and it just looks wrong.

There definitely should not be a to-scale reflection of the bird in the water unless the bird is right above the water. What might be causing this and how can I fix it? I’ve messed with the fresnel, metallic, and specularity settings to no avail.

There is a rather complicated blueprint behind this and I don’t want to change a thing about it other than the bird’s reflection. I’d be happy to expand on what is in the blueprint or include screencaps to narrow down what the issue is, but I just don’t want to put a snippet of the whole thing in here because zoomed out that far it’s just a senseless jumble of nodes and I don’t think that would be very helpful. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

honestly, there should probably only be reflections of light on the water (and by extension the sun and moon, I guess), and not of anything else. Right? How do I do that?

Could it be screen space reflections? You can turn it off with a post process

that definitely seemed to be on the right track. I thought that was probably going to be it, but per your suggestion I added a post-process volume with infinite extent (unbound) enabled and changed all the screen space reflection numbers to 0, and it didn’t change anything at all unfortunately.

I just tinkered some more with it and changing the screen space settings in any capacity (intensity/quality/roughness up or down) doesn’t seem to make any difference on the appearance of anything whatsoever. The reflection of the bird stays exactly the same no matter what I do. I’m even more stumped now.

■■■■… There’s like 500 ways of doing reflection in UE, you just need to take this one out. Not sure which one it is though, sorry. Planar seemed like a good bet…

yep, it seems that way. I just can’t seem to isolate what it is, though. So close but so far.

There’s plenty of vids and docs about UE4 reflections, but I think they did something new with lumen. Can you try turning lumen off? ( for now ).

Yep, I got that turned off too. Nothing. This is driving me crazy.

Okay, I finally did it! And your first answer was right all along. I sure feel like a doofus right now. It was in fact screen space reflections but what happened was there was a parent material and some others with almost identical names so I wasn’t toggling it off on the right one at first. I had to dig pretty deep to get to the bottom of this, but I did, and was able to solve it because of you. So I very much appreciate your help. Thank you.

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You’re welcome :smiley: