reflection issue

i tried to make the floor high reflected material with high metal value and less roughness , but i get these annoying artifact around the character mesh , i already played with the SSR and sphere reflection but nothing changed , anyone can tell me pls what is the prob? mostly around the character and how to fix the annoying black bar when you look down to the floor @ 00.27 ?
here i uploaded a video show it .


The black/dark bar when you look down is due to a limitation of what Screen Space Reflections are capable of. They can only reflect what currently appears in the viewport, so when you look down, less of the sky appears in the viewport and therefore it has less info about the sky to reflect. They also can’t reflect sides of objects that the camera can’t see (like the bottom of objects, for example.)

I think most of the character artifacts you’re seeing are due to limitations of the sphere refection captures you’re using. Their location in a scene relative to the player camera effects how accurately they can approximate reflections. Their reflections are always going to be somewhat inaccurate, so they are best suited for foggy/blurry type reflections.

You can also experiment with box reflections. Like sphere reflections, they are affected by player camera position, but they behave a bit differently so are sometimes better (and sometimes worse) than using sphere reflections.

Mixing SSR, sphere reflections, and box reflections is always going to be tricky because they each have unique limitations, and using them in combination can sometimes result in a less satisfying result than using just one type. I’d recommend doing some experimentation with just one reflection type at a time, at least until you get a feel for what the visual behavior and tradeoffs of each are before trying the more challenging job of combining them.

thanks for the info , i played with sphere , box and SSR and seems sphere and box is useless for my scene as the object reflection is not accurate when you move the camera and the reflection in the floor move with the camera and it doesn’t reflect as the SSR , and the artifact seems was from the SSR , so how can we make an objects reflection without shifting the reflected scene during camera move which is impossible with the sphere and the box and SSR give us the artifact ?

Well, the short answer is that you can’t. True, accurate reflections are just too expensive to render in realtime with today’s technology. That said, some people have had success creating true mirror-like reflections by adding a second camera to capture the reflected angle and rendering it to a texture. This approach has limitations too (for example, trying to ignore geometry that gets in the way of the perfect reflection capture position), but in your case where you’re making a flat reflective ground plane they might be just what you need. Here’s a video that shows one of these approaches in action. See the description and comments below the video for details: Unreal Engine 4 Mirror plane - correct reflection and rotation independent - YouTube

You can also do some searching for “unreal mirror”.

Thanks a lot man :slight_smile: this is very helpful , going to check it .