August 30, 2024, 12:34pm
I’ve just exported a project from 5.1 to 5.4, with same project config, same scene.
However I’m not able to have the same translucency reflection, can’t understand why…
This is the 5.1 reflections:
And ths is the 5.4:
I have enabled the high quality translucency reflections in both projects.
Thanks a lot for help !
August 30, 2024, 1:05pm
Well, by modifying the glass material Roughness, I can got the same reflections (or near the same).
However I would be curious to understand what’s happening exactly with 5.4 and why, if someone can help?
This is the base material that was used:
By removing this and just set 0.01 to Roughness I got back the reflections.
Thanks a lot!