So basically I have a simple room with a mirrored floor, mirrored ceiling and a mirrored wall. But for some reason I’m only getting 1 single bounce of reflection and nothing being reflected in the mirrors by the other mirrors. They’re just black and I have no idea why.
I already pushed the max bounces to absurd numbers and literally nothing changed.
I watched some videos on youtube and they seem to be able to push the reflections to 2 or 4 or more and get an infinite room effect as the mirrored walls are reflecting each other constantly.
I already have HW ray tracing enabled. I’ve tried in the post process volume to use just HWRT and cranking the bounces up. To use just Lumen with support HWRT checked and cranking the max bounces up. I also have the hit light setting selected too over surface cached. However even if I change this I see zero difference in the reflection quality anyway which is really odd because I saw in another youtube video just changing this setting would change the reflections to something horrendous.
What’s going on? I’m banging my head against the wall here I really need advice please
EDIT: For anyone in the future who may come across this. Make sure your material is set to Opaque blending mode… somehow in my project the mirror material was set to translucent blending mode and this doesnt seem to factor towards reflections in other reflective surfaces.