Referencing Problem

I think you might have to add another cast node between your EventTick and the UpdateHealth function. Or… I see you’re already storing the casted reference, so pass ThirdPersonBP into the GetHealth node.

So, I’m trying to access a variable from a blueprint and use it on my hud widget, and It’s not working, I’v been working on this for like two hours, and I don’t understand it…

The error is "Accessed none “K2Node_DynamicCast_AsThird_Person_Character” from node “Update Health” in graph “Event Graph”.

Already tried and It’s was not working either

Anyone ? Please ?

Your problem is that you need another cast because you try to reference the same cast in 2 different events. Pass your to your update health function but first make sure your ThirdPersonBP is != null. If nothing happens, it means your ThirdPersonBP didn’t get set properly.

Don’t work in multiplayer but work on single player, wondering why.

Just add a delay when you cast your blueprint, and It’s work in multi, thanks all…:stuck_out_tongue: