Hi, I’m attempting to BP reference some foliage actors (Actor Foliage Class) that I have painted into my level. But I’m confused…
Using GetAllActorsOfClass (Instanced Foliage Actor) returns an array with 1 item, but I have painted 4 instances in the level of the same Foliage Actor. I imagine I missing something in terms of parsing the hierarchy? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks!!! That works great for static mesh foliage, but it is there a way to reference Actor Foliage (BP based foliage)? Assuming it is the component class in the Get Component by Class node - but I don’t see any options that make sense to me…
I’m looking for a script or plugin that can identify the references of a instanced foliage actor (foliage asset, mesh, materials and textures…) Has anyone seen a plugin that can do this? I can’t understand why this simple function doesn’t exist already in UE! It would be so helpful to see these in the detail panel when you have foliage actors selected in Foliage/Select mode. Otherwise it’s very difficult to understand where a particular foliage model is coming from.