Red Goddess development

Hi! We are Yanim , a small indie developer and 3d animation based in Spain.
We’re working since 2013 on an action/adventure game called Red goddess.
The development of the game is going fast now, and we think it would be great to share with you the rest of the development here, we will try to keep this topic updated every week, and describe several aspects of gameplay, design, art etc…
We hope you like our very first game project: Red Goddess.

What’s Red Goddess?
Red Goddess is a nonlinear side-scroller platformer with combat situations in an adventure to explore the inner-mind of a Young Goddess with the objective of remembering and recovering her own powers.
Explore the mind a young goddess.
Fight against the “dark thoughts” and an invisible enemy “The narrator”.
Possess and move elements of the planet to uncover the mysteries from the past of the main character.
Combination of brawl and platform action in an epic and compelling story.
Take a look the latest trailer we’ve released:
GAME TRAILER (Feb’2014):

The story revolves around a troubled goddess named Divine. She feels confused and haunted by her past. Something mysterious and unknown is tearing her apart from the inside out, destroying her mind, her soul ….and her altogether! Our journey begins when Divine decides to right this wrong by exploring her own subconscious. She will discover a planet within her own mind made up of mountains, forests, caves, and unknown perils. Discovering who she is, who she was, and what she will become is our quest……but soon we realize that there is more to this adventure than what we first thought. Explore a mysterious Planet driven by the subconscious mind of the main character: Divine.

How progress is going?
The game has been part funded on Kickstarter in June 2014. Game development really started with the entire team on July of this year. We had to redesign the whole game, and learn the new features of our new engine: Unreal Engine4.
Development of the game is going fast, we have done in october a functionality demo. The purpose of this demo was to try and test the gameplay with all the powers of the main characters here in our . Most of game mechanics has been done, and now we can say the base of the gameplay is OK. We just have to refine combat system, IA of NPCs, and Enemies. Now we focus all the prgramming work on this, and with the art, we actually focus in creating the entire world of redgoddess: dungeons, towns, Npcs, and all the misions and cutscenes.

Cool…If I remember correctly this was a UDK game first…great to see it on UE4…

Cool…If I remember correctly this was a UDK game first…great to see it on UE4…

Right, we started the prototype with UDK, since July we’re working on UE4 and we’re so happy it’s works so well

We’re working with a 2D map, essentially is a miniature of the full game. We’re improving: resolution, colors, we have point the gameplay and now is easier to see where the player is able to going on (collision detection). And we’re working in war fog, because we don’t want to spoil the places that the player has not been yet…

The images bellow are some examples areas.

Questions/comments appreciated, Thank you so much!


Nice to see you here guys! Keep up the good work! Kudos!

Nice to see you here guys! Keep up the good work! Kudos!

Thank you so much ! Our pleasure to post here! Cheers,

This is freakin amazing looking, love the style and color choices you made

In the picture above, we can see one of scene of the flashback memories from Red goddess. We’re working on polishing the assets because it was too much cold and dark. We have tried to do it warmer.

So we wanted to create an environment with the feeling like “home sweet home” we have used art assets like: windows, the tree, stone wall… we needed to introduce new assets and lights, everything has an impact on the player’s view and it’s make create the feeling, it’s very important because this environment is used for story purposes…

Now is ready, what is your feeling about? If there is something you feel is out of place please let us know, your opinion is very important for us… Thank you!

This is freakin amazing looking, love the style and color choices you made

Thanks so much! So happy you like it!

Awesome job and art style :slight_smile:

Looks good.

Keep it up.

Hi man,
Glad to see you guys posting here as well. I love this community!

And your game looks great btw!


Just started going through these forums. Ran across this thread. I can only say how stunned I am by this game. It looks incredible. Extraordinary work!

I hope to see more great works!

Awesome job and art style :slight_smile:

Looks good.

Keep it up.


Hi man,
Glad to see you guys posting here as well. I love this community!

And your game looks great btw!


Just started going through these forums. Ran across this thread. I can only say how stunned I am by this game. It looks incredible. Extraordinary work!

I hope to see more great works!

Wow we’re so happy with your comments, we’re working so hard and your feedback give us positive energy! :smiley:

Thanks so much guys!

Currently working in the shop, the player can buy upgrades for life and mana/powers. To increase the total of mana of Divine, and melee power attack of Rage and Fear. Player will have to purchase, and collect the coins to upgrade characters.

Take a look this WIP. In-game shop implementation. Using a widget triggered by an NPC who communicates with player state to check if she’s allowed to purchase items, in addition to provide them to her. Widget is still a placeholder.

Now polishing art… :wink:

Hello everyone!

Okay, the map is working in Red Goddess, take a look this screenshot pls, the map displays a miniature version of the Red Goddess world, a portion of it really, so the player can orient himself with respect to the rest of the world. In Red Goddess the map doesn’t show the whole game world, only a limited area around the avatar. Areas not explored by the player are hidden by the fog in the map. Any suggest-comments are most than welcome! TY


We’re developing Red Goddess. Currently we’re working in camera features. To define the camera behavior, we made a number of design decisions about how we want the player to view the game world and what is the best way for the gameplay.
We did define the behavior of the camera for each location in the game world and for each possible situation in which the avatar find, the camera moves intelligently to follow the action, the biggest disadvantage of this option, is that we’ve to implement each camera manually. it requires much more work to implement.

The player sees the game world from the side as the camera tracks the avatar.We have follow a combination of types of cameras. The camera normally follows the avatar at a fixed distance as she runs around in the world but sometimes the camera should do a zoom, so the player can see some way beyond the avatar into the distance

Please check it out in the bellow gif;

Please send us your feedback, thank you!

Hello there!

We’re tuning and polishing Red Goddess. This means that we’re paying attention to detail, getting everything perfect.
We’ve released a new video to show you this new features, please take a look:


+We’ve finished the map, now there is a fog and hidden unexplored sectors.
+Player have to collect Memory Crystals to open the Doors.

We look hearing your comments about, thanks!

This is honestly one of the best looking platformers I’ve seen in a while, at least judging by the videos! Will be keeping an eye on this :slight_smile:

Yannick, I’m a fan of your work (I lived on the Moon is pretty special to me), glad to see you’re into games. Looks great so far.