Going a few months back I started to have an issue when reconstructing a mesh from a photogrammetry in Reality Capture.
The finished mesh seems to have rectangular holes or sometimes a rectangle pattern in it - especially visible from the front view!
Here is what I think I found out through testing:
The holes don’t always appear at the same spot but more or less at the same ‘area’, regardless of whether the spot was well ceptured by the camera.
They appear on big meshes as well as smaller ones.
The number of photos does not seem to make much of a difference. I tried reconstructing with 190 photos and with 70 photos. The holes appeared either way.
I will attach screenshots for you to see what I mean.
I found 2 or 3 entries in the Reality Capture Forum from people having the exact same problem and tried the mentioned ‘solutions’ (setting the reconstruction region anew or using high instead of normal detail) but they sadly did not work for me.
High Detail seemed to make the holes smaller, but they are still there.
Also the newest reply is from 2017, so no idea if there are any new solutions already!
The threads I found are these ones:
I also updated RC to the newest version, it makes no difference.