How can I make same kind of endless motion as seen in the video ? I believe Bulletstorm had similar kind of endless train map.
How can I make same kind of endless motion as seen in the video ? I believe Bulletstorm had similar kind of endless train map.
Moving environment.
Notice the water tower at 3:05 and at 8:36 are the same prop and on the same side of the train.
There are a number of ways to do this, but one of which would be to have big tiles of environment, and just ensure you have enough to have appreciable variation. Have the tiles spawn in a line outside the forward view distance, move under the train at a constant rate, and despawn outside the rear view distance.
Choose which tile to spawn next semi randomly and bam, instant endless terrain.
There are other things you could do in a more procedural manner to give it a more natural and varied feel, but the overall idea is the same.
Have the environment move past the player, and only have as much environment as you need to give the illusion of motion.
Interesting. So basically move them like a tank track ?
So environment would be modular Actors? (static meshes for example)
How would I move them? Using Matinee?
I am guessing I’d have to use fog to hide beginning and end of the “track”, otherwise the “pop” would be noticeable.