Recover deleted files from a map published


Hi, i accidentally deleted the files of one of my map, i tried everything to recover it but i can’t, is there anyway to recover it ? the map was published

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

delete you files.

Expected Result

can’t edit your project.

Observed Result

can’t edit still.



Island Code


Hello, Welcome to the Forums,

When you publish a map all of your content gets cooked and packaged, and that is a one-way operation.

If you’ve used Unreal Revision Control and Checked-in your changes, you’ll be able to sync to your last checkin.

On a Windows level - if you accidentally deleted your map, but did not empty your Recycle Bin, your map may still be in the Recycle Bin.

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@xxkwsx What kind of files are you reffering to? verse files or just random asset files like textures