we are developing a Game in Unreal and want to make a little promo Video, where we want to “Virtually film” the position of the Vive-Controlers and the actions made in Unreal (its a painting Game, so actually we want to show the Functions and the virtual Painting). I managed to export the “Controler Position” with Matinee, but then I cant start VR Preview, nor can I draw anything, my controlers are doing nothing, despite moving. Is there a workaround, does somebody have experience with “Mixed/Virtual reality Filming”? We dont need a movable Camera, a static one is good enough, but you need to see the painting…
Back at the studio I’ve been tasked to experiment with a spectator feature. Basically I’ve got a camera actor placed in the level, pointed in a specific direction so the viewer can witness the action on the monitor while the player with VIVE can do it’s thing. It based on networking so player’s movements etc are replicated therefore a spectator camera can see the action 1 to 1. I did a research on Mixed Reality/Greenscreen stuff, but as of now it’s too much of a hassle to me to get it working properly. Waiting for Epic to get it working in a way of plugin like guys from Unity did. In the mean time, check out my project build with the setup, if you find it useful I’ll try to dig out the project files and share them in here.
In order to get it working launch one instance of the build and type command: open MotionControllerMap?listen
Secondly, open second instance and type open [ip address of you pc] (to get it open up you windows start menu, type cmd and then ipconfig /all to get the IP of your machine (IPv4 Address))
Here is the project. Bare in mind that when running from the editor change PIE settings to “2” Players. Server will spawn VRPawn, wheras client will spawn camera actor. When packaged you need to remember to run commands to connect client to the server since I haven’t setup the commands to run automatically when game runs (you can do that yourself). Hope this helps.
Unfortunately I lost the project files some time ago and currently I’m unable to redo the project, which wasn’t that perfect solution anyway. Personally I’m still looking into some working, flexible solution, mainly waiting for either Epic or community.