Hello, I’ve looked around for a couple of hours trying to get some leads on how to hook up damage effects for VR, but surprisingly haven’t found anything VR-related.
tutorial here is a typical FPS style blood effect. I know how to hook it up, and I tried it, but type of approach (placing a UMG image texture close to the camera) just looks bad in VR.
I’m open to any ideas. Thanks in advance for any help.
AFAIK, there a 2 ways of doing it: rendering via 3D geometry very close to the camera (not just UMG in viewport - is wrong, but using widget component in the actor) or post process.
We tried a nice post process effect with blood drops, but it was rendering for each eye incorrectly: drops seemed too off. So we ended up with tinting camera to red color.
In RoboRecall they did it really nice, I believe it is a post process. But there are no sharp objects like blood drops. It is all smooth. May be is a key of doing it.
Hey, Flash7!
Thanks a lot for the info. Would you mind giving me a little more info on what you mean by 3D geometry in the viewport and using a widget component in the actor? Though I use 3d widgets a lot, I’m not very knowledgeable when it comes to exactly how things are rendered in VR.
I’m thinking it might be better to use a pp as you guys chose to do, but if possible I’d like to understand what you were referring to by 3d geo and widget component in the actor.
Sorry, I should have checked out RR before posting. Thanks for the reference, though. I’ll check it out again
in VR you should not use viewport, like you do it for the monitor - it will not be displayed properly due to the fact that for each eye a scene renders at different angles so we can see it nicely. But when image is flat on a screen then rendered image it is still kinda correct, but not for eyes, so we see it like double image. The only way to display widgets is by using widget component on some kind on plane. So the idea is very simple: place an actor with a widget component right next to the camera and render a damage effect in a widget.
Thanks again for the update, Flash7. And sorry for not responding sooner. I appreciate the time you took to share. I’ve now got something working thanks to you!