Recenter event?

Hey, I’m using OpenXR, is there a way to know when the Oculus “Reset view” happens? The HMD Recentered delegate doesn’t seem to get called when the view is reset, is there another way?


Hey @KhenaB! There are a couple of OpenXR event delegates that hasn’t been hooked up yet. We scheduled that work for 5.2, but I’ll update this thread when it’s on Main.

Unfortunately I still have no plans to upgrade past 4.27.2 due to the declining performance of UE5, I imagine I’m out of luck?

You could cherry pick the change, but a lot has happened between 4.27 and 5.1/5.2 that it might be difficult.

For anyone struggling with not being able to detect a recenter event, what I ended up doing is checking the HMD position and comparing it to the last frame’s position to detect sudden changes which in most cases would mean a recenter event, this is pretty clunky but at least it allows me to reposition my pawn and not end up going through walls


Please update it on UE 5.1 also… I am struggle with this too…


VRController Recentered Delegate
works for Quest2

Thanks for updating this thread @Lungy111. We implemented this in 5.2!

Hi @VictorLerp @Lungy111 , Dumb question, but for me its not working in UE5.2
Do i need a special settings? or any other actions?
I’m trying to make recenter by holding oculus button (like in every other VR game)

Oculus Quest 2 Android build

I am also unable to get the VRController Recentered event to register in a 5.3 shipping build. Curious if there’s a specific actor that the VR Notification component should be added to in order to function properly? Or if there’s another setting I might be missing here.

I’m wondering if there might have been a regression in 5.3, as I can get this functionality to work in editor but not in a packaged game.

Spent some time with different plugin configurations, since I’m trying to get recenter working properly for App Lab vrc.
Testing The VRNotificationsComponent Recentering in UE5.3.2 on a for-distribution shipping build on Quest 2. Both the HMDRecenter and VRControllerRecenter Dispatchers are connected to a Reposition function. The VRNotificationsComponent has been added to the VRPawn in this project created off the VR Template. OpenXR enabled , MetaXR disabled : Neither recenter events fire OpenXR + MetaXR v. 60 enabled , Both the OculusOVR+OpenXRBackend and Epic Native OpenXR + Oculus Vendor Extensions XR API: Neither recenter events fire MetaXR enabled , OpenXR disabled : recentering does function successfully! But the image is washed out and only rendering out of the left eye. Disabling Mobile Multiview causes the image to only render out of the right eye.

Already responded in the Unreal Source Discord Virtual-Reality channel (non-shameless plug, come join us) but doubling down here for visibility.

I’ve reproduced this and we’re looking into it. We’re most likely not doing another hotfix for 5.3 but I will provide the CL on Main when it’s committed.

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I recently ran into this issue when I submitted my app to the Meta Applab. This is the last VRC that I need to pass before release. I’m using 5.3.2 with the MetaXR plugin. Do you know if there’s any way to make delegates work, or another solution that could be done?

I’d appreciate any pointers. It is quite frustrating to get stuck right at the very end.

There was a runtime update that changed the behavior Unreal was expecting. We’ve updated 5.4 to make the VRNotificationsComponent’s HMDRecentered delegate work. You can either cherry pick those changes from GitHub, or update to 5.4.

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Hey VictorLerp,
Just leaving this here in case someone comes looking,
VRNotifications Component now works for UE 5.4.

A new issue is that the virtual keyboard no longer appears. (using quest 2)