I am trying to edit a gun skin following the customize weapon appearance tutorial on the unreal tournament site, but when I get to modifying colors I can’t go any farther/make any edits. All I see are the errors "[SM4] warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type, [SM4] warning 3550: array reference cannot be used as an I-value (maybe its a 1? can’t tell); not natively addressable, forcing loop to unroll, and [SM4] error X4510: maximum ps_4_0 sampler register index (16) exceeded. Can anyone tell me what these mean? (And perhaps how to fix it too?)
Is there anything else I need to provide to help with answering this? And if so, how would I attach it/obtain it?
Hi Greenleaf2254 -
[SM4] Wanring X3206 implies that you have taken a Vector 2, 3,or 4 and passed it into a Function or Node which requires a consistent use of vector types. For example a Vector 4 passed in to a Function with a Vector 3, both are valid inputs into the function but the function has no way of dealing with the math to convert one to another. Depending on usage, you can use a Component Mask to remove the unneeded Vector elements.
[SM4] Warning X3550 I have not seen myself before but from the description it looks like an implied looping has been established with an element that cannot be indexed correctly. I would have to see the material for this one, but look to any loops you might have set up.
[SM4] Warning X4510 You have used too many Texture Samples for the Shader Model to handle. SM4 has a maximum of 16 texture samples which can be used.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Hey Greenleaf2254 -
Can you post a link to the tutorial you were following, I will track down the assets from there and see if we cannot find you a solution.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Hi Eric
Thank you for this information. However since I am new to this program would you please tell me how to get to the Component Mask to solve the first problem? Also how/where should I go to remove textures? I have seen the same tutorial done without a problem so I am not too sure why this is happening. (sorry for all the questions, this will be the last). For warning X3350 since you have not seen this before I assume helping me solve this one might be difficult, but how/where would I go to find the loops (I did not create most of the content, it was built-in).
I also forgot to mention that the blueprint does not work like normal blueprints, there is no place for nodes or anything, just a details tab, viewport, and instance parents tab. However when I activate the debug AO option (whats that supposed to mean anyways?), the errors are fixed, but my base is just plain white and I can’t change its color still. I’m not sure how to fix my base, I can’t find where the loops are, where the textures are, and where the vectors are.
Here is the link: Customize Your Weapon Appearance
Hope it helps!
Hi Greenleaf2254 -
After some research, it turns out that the errors you are seeing are not directly caused by anything you are doing. It is an issue with the Material setup in the current UT Editor. I have reported this bug as UT-1045. As we investigate a fix for this issue I will keep you informed here.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Hi Eric
Thanks for the information, I’ll be waiting here for any more information you got on this bug.