I have a Pawn object in C++ which had earlier a static mesh as root component.
I used ReceiveActorOnClicked for getting clicks which worked perfectly.
Meanwhile I added animation and changed static mesh to skeletal mesh.
If animation is stopped, ReceiveActorOnClicked works.
At the moment I starts the animation, method not hit anymore.
(same problem with ReceiveActorBeginCursorOver, etc)
Any suggestions?
Couldnt advance here, but a small clarification:
the event itself seems triggered, but on a very-very small part of mesh.
it is related to its physics asset or ReceiveActorOnClicked should fired on entire actor?
EDIT: ReceiveActorOnClicked triggered only of static mesh body parts of my skeletal mesh (practically its weapon and rifle) but never on its main skeletal mesh body.
Any idea?
probably my physics asset is wrong then…