Rebuilding Lighting in interior level of the archvis template leads to very different light bake


here are some steps to reproduce the issue:

  • Create a new project in UE 4.24.1 with the template Architecture, Engineering,… > Archvis (no starter content / no raytrace)

  • Open interior and rebuild lighting on high or production quality (takes 1.5h or 3h on 6cores with 2.2GHz)

This results in a very different lightbake than the one that comes with the template/map, meaning it is much darker also slight seams are introduced were the floor meshes touch.

I already started a discussion in the forum, you can check here for more elaborated explanation and screenshots.

So the question is how was the original lightbake of this map achieved?

So the core issue is that I would expect that rebuilding light without changing anything should result in an almost identical lightbake. At least I think that it somewhat defeats the purpose of a template that demos a lightbaked interior for archvis, when we cant rebuild the light the same way. And of course I’m curious since the original lightbake is very,very smooth without any discernible seams.

But maybe some tweaks/settings that are not included in the template GPU Lightbake or some experimental lightbake feature were used.

So if anybody can confirm this issue or knows how the lightbake that comes with the template was achieved, please share your knowledge!

best regards
